Give Me Jesus

We’ve lived in our house for over 12 years. We moved here, into our somewhat spacious home, from a tiny one bedroom apartment in Boston. When I moved in, I immediately started buying pieces to cover my walls. And, over the years, a strange phenomenon has taken place, the very pieces I picked, each with …

Enough for Today

How many times have I read this verse? Oh I don’t know, probably 1,000s of times. That’s the problem with familiarity, it causes us to glaze over when presented with simple truths and profound words. .... I’m not one who is typically prone to worry or anxiety. But, I am a future-oriented person who wants …

Holy Saturday

Today is Holy Saturday, a day set aside on the Christian calendar to grieve the death of Jesus. We have the ability to grieve as one who has hope, because we know what happens tomorrow. But, this morning my thoughts are on the disciples (the men and women who served alongside Jesus). They grieved without …

Lost and Found

There aren’t two more worse feelings then feeling lost or losing something or someone you love. The sense of desperation, fear and panic on both sides is palpable. I believe many of us read Jesus’ parables of the lost coin, the lost sheep and the lost son from Luke 15 and instantly think of those …